How to protect plants from the sun this spring;  these are the best tips

How to protect plants from the sun this spring; these are the best tips

Written in TRENDS he

The floors They are one of the most popular and main elements in homes both inside and outside, so if we want to maintain their beauty we must give them the appropriate care according to the season we are in and now that the season has begun. springwe must protect them from temperature and direct sunlight, as it could burn their leaves or petals.

We are not only talking about sunlight in this hot season, but also about water amount with which we must water it, since it must have hydrationas well as humidity and within the care there is also air, winds or even temperature changes.

Let’s also remember that each plant needs different care, while it will also depend on whether it is inside or outside the house, since those inside can resist even more to the temperature that characterizes spring and those that suffer the most are those in the abroad.


What care should you take with your plants since March?

One of the good things about spring having arrived is that many of the plants will also begin to bloom. to flourish and they will beautify the place wherever they are, but you have to give them a lot of love and affection so that they grow strong and healthy as always.

Now that temperatures will increase dramatically from winter to spring, the irrigation of water is something essential for our plants so we must do it more frequently and not only that, but also with more quantity although never exceed.

If plants need something, it is to be pruned from time to time because this will not only help them look more beautiful and remove burned or withered parts, but it will also stimulate their growth and help them bloom in greater health, which is noticeable in leaves and flowers.


At the beginning of spring it is highly recommended that you do a cleaning deep for the garden because we must remove everything that was left last season such as dry leaves and flowers, branches and of course, remove what are known as weeds because these usually steal the nutrients that our plants should have.

All our plants need nutrients that we can give them mainly through the earth with a substrate or a homemade fertilizer since this will help us to continue growing in a healthy and strong way, so in this season what is best is peat, worm castings and manure.

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