Pablo Lyle’s children assimilate their father’s sentence with the help of therapies – El Diario NY

Pablo Lyle’s children assimilate their father’s sentence with the help of therapies – El Diario NY

Ana Araujo shared that her two children have been going through a complicated emotional process since the tragic incident in which their father Pablo Lyle is involved occurred. Despite her young age, Aranza and Mauro have had to deal with their father’s absence and face the consequences of their actions.

Pablo’s ex-partner said that She has tried to be as honest and understanding as possible with her children, explaining the situation to them in a way they can understand. Although it has been difficult for them to assimilate what happened, Araujo assures that they are receiving professional help to face their emotions and process what is happening in their lives.

How do you handle the issue of their father with your children?“A user asked him through a question and answer dynamic carried out through the camera’s social network.

Actor Pablo Lyle is serving a five-year prison sentence for involuntary manslaughter.
Actor Pablo Lyle is serving a five-year prison sentence for involuntary manslaughter.
Credit: Mezcalo

Ana did not hesitate to make public the technique she implements with Pablo’s delicate situation: “Always with the truth, living what is, therapy (accompaniment) when necessary, identifying their needs, wiping tears and giving hugs when you need them, creating memorable moments for them. “I don’t do it alone, his dad and all our families and friends do it too.”

Aranza and Mauro have received support from family, friends and therapists, who have helped them overcome the sadness and confusion they feel.. Despite everything, Ana said that her children are strong and are showing a great capacity to adapt despite the difficult circumstances in which they find themselves.

Lyle’s ex-partner also mentioned that her priority is to protect the emotional integrity and well-being of her children, and that she is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that they have a happy and healthy future despite the adversities they have faced.

Keep reading:
· Pablo Lyle will serve a year in prison and Mane de la Parra gives details of the actor’s life in prison
· Ana Araujo reunites with Pablo Lyle in prison after rebuilding her love life
· Ana Araujo, ex-wife of Pablo Lyle, tells how difficult it was for her children to visit him in prison

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