Remove wrinkles without a scalpel using only 2 HOMEMADE ingredients

Remove wrinkles without a scalpel using only 2 HOMEMADE ingredients

Written in TRENDS he

The passage of time always leaves traces, and in general, one of the traits of aging most feared are the wrinkles. Of course, thanks to medicine and today’s aesthetic industry, it is possible to counteract these brands… at a price that is often too high for average pockets. Therefore, today we bring you a Home remedy which has excellent results; You can prepare it with homemade ingredients that you use every day, and that are regularly in your kitchen.

What is the most effective 2-ingredient home remedy against wrinkles?

The secret to youthful skin without the need for surgery is in collagen and Vitamin C. Therefore, the key is to enhance both ingredients directly on the areas most susceptible to wrinkles: the part of the cheeks that goes towards the mouth, forehead, and eyes (to avoid annoying ‘crow’s feet.’) Believe it or not, you can achieve firmness and flexibility in your skin with two ingredients that you see daily in the supermarket: unflavored gelatin and oranges.

Unflavored gelatin is rich in collagen, and of course, there is no greater source of vitamin C than an orange. So, using both ingredients, you will prepare the Home remedy perfect to get rid of wrinkles and avoid the aging from the comfort of your home. So, in addition to ensuring a healthy diet and constant hydration, you will carry out the following procedure for perfect skin:

  • Squeeze at least four oranges into a large cup
  • Then, add two tablespoons of unflavored gelatin to the juice obtained.
  • Mix vigorously until the resulting mixture is free of lumps and bubbles.
  • Subsequently, let the mixture rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.
  • When the time has passed, apply the mixture with the help of a cloth, just as if it were a mask.
  • Let the mixture sit on your face for 30 minutes, and finally, wash your face with cold water.

For best results in this practice, try to wash your face in very cold water. Without adding soap, toners, or any kind of cream; Make sure the water you use is surrounded by ice. As an extra tip, pour ice into a large bowl and add the water you will use to wash your face. You will soon see how your skin becomes more radiant and soft to the touch; and of course, with the Home remedy that you prepared, you will discover that your wrinkles are fading.

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