U VISA: What is needed to qualify for this procedure and what are the REQUIREMENTS?  |  PRICE

U VISA: What is needed to qualify for this procedure and what are the REQUIREMENTS? | PRICE


Written in TRENDS he

It is no secret to anyone that being able to enter the USA legally it is one of the goals of thousands of people, since there are those who also go in search of the permanent residence, but many can access the program known as the U visa, Well, although it is not entirely popular, it is quite helpful for people who have also been victims from some American citizen, This is what you should know.

Be careful, it is important to mention that these are two programs completely independent, but for people who manage to get the U visa, This will be able to open the doors later for the aforementioned Green Cardbut at the same time, it offers big benefits to those qualified as being able to work and move without any problem within this territoryand then we are going to tell you what it is about.

On one side of the coin we find the U Visa or also known as the U Nonimmigrant Statusis a program that can be accessed by foreigners who are victims of certain crimes that occurred within the territory of the USA, who have suffered physical or mental abuse and provide help to law enforcement and government agencies in the investigation or prosecution of crime, and best of all, the process is completely free.

What do I need to access the U Visa?

It is important to mention that once the person has this permanent residence format, it allows you to live legally in the USA for four years, since once this period is over you can request the permanent residence to stay completely in the american union under the format of the Green Card, In addition, you can receive a permit to work in this country without any problem.

Be careful, in order to start the process you must present it under the Form I-918, Supplement B, as well as a personal statement describing the criminal activity of which you were a victim in some of the cities of the USA; Below we are going to present to you what are the requirements that must be met:

  • You must have been the victim of a crime within the USA.
  • The assault must have been with a weapon, sexual assault, extortion, kidnapping, illegal detention, domestic violence are some of the crimes for which you can request the U visa
  • Having helped the authorities to be able to accuse the attacks of which he was a victim.
  • Having suffered physical, mental and/or psychological damage,


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