American VISA: If you have this document it is very likely that they will authorize the process

American VISA: If you have this document it is very likely that they will authorize the process

Written in TRENDS he

One of the most essential documents to be able to enter the United States ands the American visawith which we are allowed to legally enter and travel to this country to carry out various activities according to the type of visa we request, such as tourism, business, medical treatments, studying, working, among others, so it is necessary this procedure.

But we also know that making this request is not so easy, because like any other process it is quite laborious, in addition to the fact that we must comply with a series of requirements and not only that, but also have them approve us when they perform the application. interviewsince it is the key moment to get it granted to us.

It is also necessary to know that the time To carry out this process is quite long and time-consuming, since it can range from months to years, since many of the appointments at the embassies are being given until 2026, due to the delays that have occurred since the COVID-19 pandemic.


How to get my visa authorized with this document

Now, we will talk to you about a document that could help you speed up and facilitate the processas it could make your interview with the consul to obtain the US visa much more accessible and in this way it is much more certain that your visa will be approved.

In addition to the fact that it is very likely that they will grant it to you, the US authorities could help you so that you do not have setbacks during the process, so a document that could help you with this is the university degree or professional license, according to Luis Ochoa, Director of Operations at Mexus Migración.

“To the million-dollar question: What are the chances of my visa being approved? We have detected a factor that can help the applicant, and that is that he or she has a university degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctorate, and has a professional license and title. About 90% of applicants who want to travel to the United States on vacation and have this documentation, the Visa is usually approved,” he indicated.


That is to say, the authorities in charge can take into account your academic level and this could give you advantages if you have a bachelor’s degree or, if you have completed a doctorate or master’s degree, because with any of these degrees, your probability of being granted the visa is much higher.

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