‘He lacks courage’: Ricardo Casares reveals that he visited Daniel Bisogno before leaving the hospital

‘He lacks courage’: Ricardo Casares reveals that he visited Daniel Bisogno before leaving the hospital


It was last February 27th that Ricardo Casares He was urgently admitted to a hospital south of Mexico City due to a risk of heart attack that he suffered at the Venga la Alegría facilities. Fortunately, just a week after being hospitalized, today he was discharged and he revealed that Daniel Bisognor it was his partner in intermediate therapy and he is very discouraged, since he has already been in a serious state for two weeks and has not received positive results.

Thanks to the drivers and production team acting quickly, Ricardo Casares He was able to receive medical attention quickly and thus avoid suffering a myocardial attack. In it hospital He underwent surgery to unclog an artery, so he was in intensive care and then was transferred to intermediate care for almost a week. Today, March 5, the driver was discharged and was transferred to his house, where he will remain at rest for another week, as he himself reported.

“This week I have to be calm at home. Not in bed. Don’t worry. […] And then comes cardiac rehabilitation. They hope that he will recover one hundred percent of his heart’s faculties,” he told Ventaneando.


She reveals that the pre-infarction symptoms were very strong, but that was what made it clear to her that he had to be treated medically as soon as possible, just as it happened. “I was very lucky. I felt right in the middle of my chest that a chisel at 400 degrees Celsius had been inserted into me. It was between pain and impressive burning,” she confessed. She added that Daniel Bisogno he was hospitalized in the same hospital.


Ricardo Casares visited Daniel Bisogno before leaving

RIcardo Casares He confessed that before leaving the hospital went to say goodbye Daniel Bisogno, who was in the adjacent room during his stay in intensive care: “The last thing I did before leaving the hospital was go hug and tell our dear friend that I love him very much. Daniel Bisogno”. Ventaneando’s driver has been hospitalized for the last few months on several occasions and this time he has been hospitalized for more than 15 days, so he is not feeling well.

“He told me that he lacks spirit and I told him that it can’t be that a guy who has animated for so many years and has done it like no one else on Mexican television lacks spirit,” he said.

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