Numerology 11-11: The zodiac signs with the healthiest and luckiest in March 2024

Numerology 11-11: The zodiac signs with the healthiest and luckiest in March 2024

Written in TRENDS he

Numerology goes beyond knowing which lucky number helps each human being in the areas of love, money or health. In fact, the numbers themselves have vibrations wherever they are perceived, and of course, nowhere are they as key as in the time of each day, especially if we talk about the “Mirror Hour” par excellence: 11:11 . Here the 3 signs filled zodiacals with good health and luck in March.

As the “Flower Season” approaches, there will undoubtedly be some Zodiac signs particularly benefited by the benefits of March that astrology will bring with it this third month of the year. And although the most complex numerology helps you know exactly what your lucky number is, the Mirror Hour of 11:11 It is usually even more benevolent.

This spring, be sure to pay special attention to your clocks if you were born under one of the 3 Zodiac signs which are mentioned below. Whether at 11:11 in the morning or 11:11 at night, it will be the best time to complete various rituals to attract your best luck or well-being, or to express any pending desire that you have in mind, in addition that those born under them will be filled with good health and luck in March.

This spring is especially generous with those born under this sign. For your ritual numerology 11:11, Place a glass of water (your element) in front of a mirror. Next, she dedicates the exact minute of 11:11 to thinking about what worries you the most, but this time, she imagines the most realistic solution, even if it seems far away. Then, she takes a deep breath and repeats in your mind: “This is the scenario that the Mirror Hour will help me project, without more or less details than what was projected, numerology will support me to make it so.”

As a highly volatile, autumnal, and even incredulous sign, it is not surprising that Scorpio feels down and “olivated” by luck and good fortune. Luckily, Pisces, as a sister water sign, “splashes” from his excellent streak. It must be remembered that being the most passionate sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio can use 11:11 Mirror Hour to seduce beyond love: it is an excellent time to look for a raise with excellent conversation, or to apply for a desired job, always making sure that the final step does not take more than a minute.

Aries is also one of the Zodiac signs with more spring force. His special connection to Mirror Hour will lie in what he likes to do most: confront and argue. Of course: numerology does not invite you to fight just like that; rather; The key ritual of 11:11 for Aries is to design the perfect argument to claim justice. This spring, don’t forget to wear a few rosemary leaves as part of your clothing, and as soon as it’s 11:11 any time of the day, rub some of this herb with your fingers and ask the Mirror Hour for wisdom to get what you want. without losing diplomacy or health.

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