Hopecore: The TikTok movement that restores faith in the world

Hopecore: The TikTok movement that restores faith in the world

TikTok It is a platform full of trends and that is constantly evolving, generating new fashions as well as leaving some others behind, some prevail and others quickly stop making sense, some may be simple viral challenges while others may promote a positive thinking among his community, such is the case of hopecore, movement that has gained ground in recent weeks on the platform and that has resulted in the liking of many users.

On TikTok we can find trends of all kindsfrom viral dance challenges, synchronization videos with songs, food challenges, tips on why you put on bad makeup, climate change, why your partner may be cheating on you, to quick explanations of historical events or events in the current world, etc.

The excessive recording of information that we receive every time we enter the platform becomes almost impossible to processalthough of course, there are certain issues that may arise and that may be relevant in space at the appropriate time.

However, receiving all this information does not mean that it is something good for your brain or for build a perspective ideal about what surrounds you, that is why the particular movement known as hopecore, which seeks to give people a break by showing that there are also good things to highlight in the world.

What is Hopecore?

The movement is a trend that compiles videos and images that, just as its name says, inspires hope for the people.

He hopecore has as purpose provide fresh air and different among TikTok communities that are usually forced to consume banal or graphic information about alarming situations. In this case, compilations are made of people who do acts of kindness By others.

Whether it’s a celebration video, animals doing some activity, loving messages, or simple birthday greetings, they are the type of content that little by little has begun to spread throughout the TikTok community.

Given how overwhelming and tiring the platform can be, hopecore It is an escape and at the same time a reminder that the

world is much bigger and it can offer many good things that are waiting for you beyond a screen.


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