What did Grease actress Susan Buckner die from today, May 7?

What did Grease actress Susan Buckner die from today, May 7?


Considered one of the actresses who marked the era of the 80s, Susan Bucknerfamous for her participation in the film ‘Vaseline‘, has died, as revealed by his relatives today, May 7. Through an official statement, they revealed with deep sadness the cause of his death. This is all we know about the actress’ death at age 72.

Unfortunately, at the beginning of this month the world says goodbye to Susan Bucknera great actress who left behind an entire cinematographic legacy that will last generations after generations. It was on May 2 that she died, however, her loved ones wanted to maintain complete discretion and mourn the actress in peace without public scrutiny, therefore, just today they decided to inform her millions of fans of the news.

In the statement they express that the actress who gave life to Patty Sincox in the famous film Greasse (Vaseline in Spanish) died last Thursday at home while he was in the company of his children and the rest of his family. “It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Susan Bucknerbest known to the movie-going public as the memorable and cheerful entertainer Patty Simcox, who starred alongside John Travolta and the late Olivia Newton-John in the hit 1978 musical ‘Grease.'”


Although they did not specify the cause of death of the actress Vaseline nor did they give more details about it, it is known that he died at his home in Miami, United States. On the other hand, they urged their loved ones and fans not to send flowers and posthumous gifts to the famous woman, instead, they ask that they make a generous and supportive financial donation to the Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden in Coral Gables in Florida in honor of Susan, who would have appreciated this action.

“Rest in peace Susan. “Her talent, spirit and contagious smile will live in our hearts forever,” they concluded.

Samantha Mansfield, Buckner’s only daughter, publicly said goodbye to her mother with a moving message in which she made clear the love she had for her and the good relationship they both maintained until her last days. “We will forever miss the light that she brought to every room of hers. She was magical and I was very lucky to be able to call her my best friend,” she reads in the statement that was revealed today five days after her death.

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